I thought that this video link (that I was just forwarded by a friend, the video was from the School of Ministry, Master’s Commission Wasilla Alaska from June of this year) was very interesting in regards to her faith...
"SARA PALIN VIDEO: http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1766638341"
It's also on You Tube as well without the intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG1vPYbRB7k
Sarah was introduced by a leader from the Wasilla Assembly of God church:
- Sarah Palin loves Jesus and puts Jesus Christ before her job as governor
- Grew up in an Assembly of God Church where the pastor lead her to Christ where she was baptized when she was young (had a Christian family)
- She loves her Husband and Children
She spoke as a Christian woman and said:
- that what she can do for Alaska with helping providing funds for policemen, and some other government programs and services she mentioned, and said they don't do much good unless people hearts are right with God.
- asked for prayers for the government work to be done (including coordinating the installation of a pipeline and the military efforts)
- shared "a word" given to her for the students at the Masters "Ephesians 1:17". "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better."
I found a link from the church that she was a member since 2002 but no longer is a member and Wikipedia (click here for that Wikipedia link) says "Her current home church in Wasilla is The Wasilla Bible Church, an independent congregation" and "When she is in the capital, she attends Juneau Christian Center,[120] another Assemblies of God church." This Bible church believes in the "inspired, inerrant word of God." according to this Newsweek article.
There will no doubt be fall out over this video and her evangelical Christianity views (as we have seen before), she'll be questioned by the liberal media sources about her beliefs, where she may be tempted to say something to compromise her faith but she, as my sister in the faith, is in my prayers and has my support and I hope you will pray and support her too.